connecting English-Speaking
Switzerland since 2006

Expat Expo

Basel 2024

11:00 - 17:00

Sunday March 17th, 2024

The Congress Center at the Basel Messe
Messeplatz 21, 4058 Basel (Next to the Marriott hotel, on the corner  of Riehenring and Clarastrasse)

Center Map


Exhibitor set-up begins at 9:00 AM. 

Expat Expo is open to the public from 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Expat Expo office number +41 44 552 04 40.

Loading Zone:

  • Use the unloading zone marked on the map above. The address is 42 Clarahofweg.
  • We suggest you bring a trolley if you have a large load.
  • You must put your company name on an A4 sheet of paper and leave it in the front window of your car while you are in the unloading zone.


  • There are three elevators but only elevator 401 goes to the correct floor.
  • The elevator is very slow and many people will be using it so please give yourself extra time.
  • The correct floor will be indicated on the touchpad of the elevator.
  • Elevator 401 unloads from the opposite door that you load in.
  • Use the rigid plastic signs to prevent the doors from closing, but be sure to remove them when you are finished or you will prevent the elevator from being used
    by others.
  • Follow the signs through the kitchen to the main hall.
  • You will find a floor plan posted as you enter the hall. 
  • Your table will be marked by an A4 sign with your company name on it.
  • Go directly to your stand, there is no need to check in.


  • You must move your car to the parking garage immediately after you have unloaded it.
  • Please be considerate and help us with this issue because we do not have enough staff to track you down and ask you to move your car.
  • Your things will be safe in the elevator.
  • Parking is nearby, see map above.
  • We are very sorry but there is no free parking at the Basel Messe.

If you are traveling light, you may enter through the front lobby and use the escalators or the small elevator.

During the expo:

  • We ask that you have no more than two representatives per table please.
  • You may not distribute flyers and other promotional material around the room or in the bathrooms. You must distribute them from your table only.
  • Visitors sometimes try to distribute promotional material. This is not permitted. If you see a visitor distributing material please notify a member of our staff
    as soon as possible or inform the visitor that it is not permitted.
  • The expo is over at 5pm, PLEASE DO NOT PACK-UP EARLY.


If you have something that needs to be delivered, please use the information below but items must not arrive more than 3 days before the expos.

Please send deliveries to:
Congress Center Basel
Attention: For Expat-Expo
Messeplatz 21 CH-4058 Basel

Table info:

  • Table size 180 cm wide and 75 cm deep and 72.5 cm tall (here is more information). There will be approximately 50 cm between tables and 80 cm behind the table, however these figures may vary depending on your location.
  • Back walls: Tables 1-13 are in front of windows. Tables 38-41, 54-57, 62-66 and 101-104 are in front of mobile poster walls (here is more information on page 2). Tables 71-80 are in front of a solid wall.
  • If you have a back wall option you should use Blu Tack or Scotch Magic tape or string to fix posters etc. no nails or screws please. You will be charged if you damage the walls and the fees are substantial.
  • Tables, a chair and an A4 sign with your company’s name on it will be in position when you arrive.
  • Additional chairs are available. Ask at the front desk.
  • Unless you have ordered a back wall you will be back to back with another table.
  • We strongly suggest you bring a table cloth and decorate your table carefully.


If you need electricity is must be ordered. The fee is 50 CHF and can be ordered on the registration page.


WiFi is managed by the Congress Center and is free in the building. Expat-Expo GmbH does not offer support or guarantee a connection. If you have problems with the WiFi, please let us know at the front desk and we will give you the contact information for a representative from the Congress Center.

Name tags:

We do not supply name tags. Please bring your own.


You can download a flyer here.

Tips & Suggestions:

  • Don’t just sit there – engage your audience!
  • Smile, be happy, ask open questions (How, Who, What, When, Where, Why)
  • What would make them laugh, smile, or ask more?
  • Set up your stand to be visually appealing and you’re half way there
  • What about a prize draw, free giveaway, or competition?
  • What is it about your company that you want to demonstrate? Use that as your focus for engagement
  • Think long-term. You may make sales on the day, but the real value typically comes long-term, from additional sales, referrals, and brand exposure. Make sure you take names, numbers, add to your email subscribers etc.
  • Need some tips or suggestions? Speak with us! We have a lot of experience

We can discuss:

  • ideas and suggestions
  • how to identify your target audience
  • how to engage visitors
  • the best ways to create and convert leads


Exhibitor Registration for the Geneva Expo is opening soon! Please submit your request to register, and we'll notify you by email with further details once registration officially opens.

I would like to receive an email notification when Exhibitors registration for the Geneva Expo opens.


Please submit your interest to exhibit at the Zurich Expo 2025. 

We will notify you by email with further details once registration officially opens.


Please submit your interest to visit the Zug Expo 2025.

We will notify you by email with further details once registration officially opens.


Please submit your interest to visit the Basel Expo 2025.

We will notify you by email with further details once registration officially opens.


Please submit your interest to visit the Geneva Expo 2025.

We will notify you by email with further details once registration officially opens.


Please submit your interest to exhibit at the Geneva Expo 2025. 

We will notify you by email with further details once registration officially opens.

Reserve Your Spot

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